Multi-use trail design guidelines
















Multi-use trails are designed and built to accommodate different trail user groups at the same time. We feel that with a careful design and thoughtful construction hikers, bikers, and equestrian trail users can have a positive experience on the same trail. Figure 1. This narrow multi-use trail follows the contour, has an appropriate cross-slope, has a sustainable grade, uses a large rock as a control point The application of trail design guidelines will avoid or minimize potential environmental impacts and future trail maintenance requirements. Multi-Use Trails Pipeline. North Champaign Olympian Drive Rising Road Curtis Road Windsor Road U.S. Route 150 Kirby Avenue Duncan Road Mattis Avenue. Implementation - 44. Appendix. Design Guidelines from CCRPC Greenways and Trails Plan. The City of Champaign and Champaign Park Multi-Use Trails: An access route for pedestrian type activities to include bicycling, jogging, cross-country skiing, skijoring, and also equestrian, natural and interpretive types of uses which is typically located in a greenbelt or park and consisting of a stable surface, either pavement or compacted 2.1 TRAIL DESIGN GUIDELINES 2.1.1 Elements of Trail Design 2.1.2 Study Areas 2.1.3 Typical Above-Grade Crossing 2.1.4 Typical Railroad Crossing 2.1.5 Typical Local Street Crossing 2.1.6 Typical Collector Street Crossing 2.1.7 Typical Park Connection 2.1.8 Typical Arterial Street Crossing Multi-Use Path Design. Existing Guidance: - AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities - Caltrans Highway Design Manual (Chapter 1000) - TOML Public Works Standards Local Issues: Minimum design width under existing standards is eight feet. Multi-use unpaved trails should be designed for the largest width and height requirements for the use type allowed. Not all trails will be able to accommodate all users, but designers should give every consideration to making their trail accessible. The use of the design guidelines is to be supplemented by the use of other design guidelines documents including but not limited to OTM Book 18 (bicycle facility design), OTM Where possible and practical, trails and multi-use pathways should be designed to be accessible to all levels of ability. X Existing Multi-Use Trails The primary trails in the bicycle network are off-road, multi-use facilities serving regional functions as non-motorized transportation Designing, engineering, and building the Central Camden County Bicycle and Multi-Use Trail Network must be complemented by policies that Guidelines: C-1: Adopt the trail design guidelines presented in Appendix. C of the Oxford County Trails Master Plan as the basis for the design of Multi-use trails within active road rights-of-way (also referred to as a boulevard multi-use trail or Active Transportation Pathway) is a type of on-road Trail Classifications & Design Guidelines. Alternatives. Environmental Consequences Consultation and References Appendices. User safety is an important component of the visitor experience at the Presidio. Where feasible, separating pedestrian trails and multi-use trails from vehicular traffic lanes ? review of trail design standards used by other municipalities. The City-Wide Multi-Use Trail Study (1996) provides guidelines to address a number of trail design issues including trail types, signs and trail markings, grading, trailhead design and access points, and road and rail crossings and others. ? review of trail design standards used by other municipalities. The City-Wide Multi-Use Trail Study (1996) provides guidelines to address a number of trail design issues including trail types, signs and trail markings, grading, trailhead design and access points, and road and rail crossings and others. City of Fresno Trail Design Guidelines. ADMINISTRATIVE DRAFT for public comment. Clovis Bikeways - Rules of the Road. When completed, it will be the longest multi-use trail in southern California at over 110 miles. Construction is approximately 60 percent complete with plans to finish of sustainable design in providing environmentally appropriate, multi-use trails, including grade and drainage, sight lines, speed control measures, and passing room. These sustainable trail design strategies are used by many park agencies including California State Parks

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